Transcript of Results

Receiving Your Results and What They Mean

Confirmed results for standard programmes (e.g. Sept-June) are published at the end of the academic year following the Award Assessment Board. This date may vary if you are studying on a programme that does not follow standard delivery dates. A transcript of results containing your confirmed marks will be made available for you to collect on Transcript Collection Day. Those not collected will be posted to you. Additional results guidance will be included to support your transcript.

Appeals must be submitted by the deadline stated on your results letter, which accompanies your transcript – normally 10 working days after the publication of results. Please remember that it is your responsibility to make sure you meet these deadlines. For more information on appeals, please see the accordion at the bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT: If after reading the information provided with your transcript there is anything you are unsure about, or if you think that an error has occurred with the transcription of your marks please contact the HE Faculty Office immediately; [email protected].

Need to retake part or all of a module? Don’t worry, our HE Study team are on hand to offer academic support. Please contact them on [email protected] to book a one to one support session.

What are Subject Assessment Panels and Award Assessment Boards?

Subject Assessment Panels are set up to review the standard of assessment in the subject and to decide on recommendations on the form of referral for individual modules. The Panels are attended by External Examiners for the modules.

All marks are provisional until they have been confirmed by a Subject Assessment Panel. The confirmed marks and recommendations are then considered by the Award Assessment Board which makes decisions on the final results for a particular award or group of awards.

What is a transcript?

A transcript of results is a formal record of all the modules you are enrolled on this year for your programme of study and shows:

  • The decision of the Award Assessment Board in respect of progression or award for your programme of study.
  • The module names and credit values.
  • The number of credits achieved this academic year.
  • The confirmed module and element marks.
  • The confirmed module and element results for pass/fail modules.
  • The module results – A achieved or N not achieved.
  • The module decision code where reassessment is required.

It is important that you read the information enclosed with your transcript as this will detail what you need to do in respect of any additional or referred assessments.

When can I access my transcript?

If you were invite to collect your transcript, but unable to, it has been sent to the address we hold for you on the system.  Students who undertake additional work during the referral period will be provided with an updated transcript after the Referred Assessment Board has met.


How can I get a copy?

We can provide copies of transcripts. The will incur a cost per transcript and should be ordered from the South Devon College online shop.

Progressing to next stage

Every student is required to re-enrol each year (unless the programme is an apprenticeship). Information regarding enrolment and induction, including how and when to enrol online, will be emailed to you during August, before your programme commences.

If you do not intend to return for the following academic year and wish to withdraw or suspend study, please inform us via email to [email protected].

Graduation 2024

This year’s graduation ceremonies will take place on Friday 20th September 2024 at the Grand Hotel, Torquay. If you are eligible for an award, you will be contacted via email with a link to book your tickets.


What is the pass mark for an undergraduate module?

The pass mark for a module is 40 per cent with no minimum requirement for the element.*

*Some modules are part of an accredited programme and may have different requirements. For non-standard pass marks please refer to your Student Programme Handbook, published on your programme Moodle Page.

I have passed but I think I could do much better. Can I have an opportunity to improve the mark?

No, modules that have been achieved cannot be retaken.

Can I appeal against the mark I have been given?

You cannot ‘dispute’ a mark which has been awarded. There are mechanisms in place to ensure quality and standards of marking, involving both internal and external academics.

What you can do is ask for feedback as to why the mark you have been awarded is not what you were expecting – hopefully once the feedback sheets have been released this will answer any queries you have, but if not, you are welcome to ask for additional feedback.

What is a compensated pass?

In certain circumstances we allow your overall performance to compensate (CP) for non-achievement in a maximum of 20 credits per stage. A compensated pass is given when;

  • your module mark is between 30% and 39%
  • there are no pass-or-fail assessments in the module, (an assessment where no marks are awarded)
  • there is no impact on the overall programme learning outcomes, and
  • you have failed up to 60 credits

NB pass/fail only modules cannot be compensated. Some professionally accredited programmes may not allow compensation.

I have a compensated pass in a module but think I can do much better. Can I have an opportunity to improve the mark?

Completing an assessment again instead of taking a compensated pass;

There are two situations where you will be given the choice to complete an assessment again instead of keeping a compensated pass:

  1. you submitted extenuating circumstances (for not submitting or attending an assessment) and it was approved for the compensated module, or
  2. you are in your final year of an undergraduate degree and it’s possible you could achieve a higher classification.

Students eligible for a referral in a compensated module will be notified individually.

You should take into consideration that marks can go down as well as up and it is the referred mark that will be used.

My transcript indicates I have been referred in one or more modules and I don’t understand what the module decision code means?

A three-letter code beginning with R next to one or more elements is a referral code which means you must complete further assessment in that element for the corresponding module. An element is coursework, examination, practice, in-class test or pass/fail assessment.

The other two letters indicate whether the referral is as a same S or next N attempt, and how the element will be reassessed (A: specified assessment, C: coursework, E: examination, P: practice, T: in-class test).

For example:

RNC against coursework means:

  • R – you have been referred in that coursework.
  • N – this will be regarded as your next attempt.
  • C – you must complete reassessment by coursework.

RNC against examination means:

  • R – you have been referred in the examination.
  • N – this will be regarded as your next attempt.
  • C – you must complete reassessment by coursework (even though the original element was an examination).

I have a lot of referred coursework. Do I have to complete all the referred work during the referral period?

If you have up to 60 credits not achieved, you will have been offered the opportunity to redeem these modules normally over the referral period. If you do not feel academically able to complete the referred work during the referral period you can request a repeat of the modules not achieved during the next academic year.

This would involve you returning to the same stage the next academic year and taking only the modules not achieved next year in their entirety. You should take into consideration the financial implications of this decision as you will be charged a tuition fee for each module you repeat. If you would like to repeat all your non-achieved modules instead of taking them during the referred period, please contact the HE Faculty Office by the deadline given with your transcript of results.

Please be aware that you will not be allowed to take a combination of referral and repeat.

What happens if I do not achieve any of the modules I have been referred in?

Any modules not achieved during the referred period will normally be required to be taken as repeat modules during the next academic year.

Students will only be allowed a maximum of three attempts at a module. If you do not achieve a module at the final attempt, you will not be able to continue on your current programme of study.

What mark will I receive for the referred assessment I am taking?

If you are referred as a first attempt, you will receive the actual mark for any element taken. You will receive the actual mark for any element taken for a second or third time but the overall module mark will be capped at the pass mark which is normally 40 per cent.

Please be aware that marks for referred assessments may be lower than previous attempts. In all circumstances the new marks must stand.

I have been told I may not proceed to the next stage and must repeat the failed modules next year. Why can’t I retake these during the referral period?

The maximum number of credits a student can be referred in during the referral period is 60 credits. If you fail more than 60 credits you are required to repeat the failed modules the following academic year.

What does a deferred outcome mean?

A deferred module is a module which cannot be attempted due to external factors affecting the programme. If a student is deferred in one or more modules, the credit value of these modules will not count towards the referral total.

Should I make an appeal?

If you are studying on a programme awarded by the University of Plymouth, you can find out more about submitting an appeal via the Appeal procedure webpage.

If you are studying on a programme awarded by South Devon College, please read the South Devon University Centre Academic Appeals Procedure on our Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures webpage for more information. Appeals should be submitted by completing the appeal form and sending it to [email protected].

The appeal procedure is concerned only with formal progression or award decisions and the assessment processes which give rise to these.

It is not appropriate to deal with problems experienced with programme delivery or availability of facilities (for example) via the appeal procedure. Students should seek a swift resolution to such issues through the Student Complaints Procedure.

If you are unsure which procedure to follow, please contact the HE Faculty Office via email on [email protected].

Please consult the Academic Regulations for details of precisely how the aggregate percentage mark is calculated.