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Update Covid-19: Advice to all students, parents and carers 15/06/21

Update Covid-19: Advice to all students, parents and carers 15/06/21

Dear students, parents and carers

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced yesterday that he was not able to say that we have met all four tests for proceeding with Step 4 and thinks it is sensible to wait just a little longer. This will give time for the vaccination programme to protect people from the virus in light of the new variant. He felt confident we will not need to wait beyond 19 July. The government will monitor the position every day and if, after two weeks, the risk has diminished then Step 4 might proceed sooner.

As a result of the announcement  we must carry on with ‘hands, face, space’ and comply with the COVID-19 measures that remain in place. Meet outdoors when we can and keep letting fresh air in. Get tested when needed. Get vaccinated when offered. If we all continue to play our part, we will be that bit closer to a future that is more familiar.

With up to 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 not displaying any symptoms, rapid testing remains a vital tool to help us stay ahead of the virus. The twice-weekly regular testing habit is as important as ever and we urge all students to continue to test themselves twice a week at home on a Sunday and Wednesday evening after 6pm for the foreseeable future.

The result of a rapid test could be positive, negative or even void. But whatever it is, it should be reported straight away, every time. Students must report their result to NHS Test and Trace as soon as the test is completed either online or by telephone following the instructions in the booklet provided with the home test kit. Students must also share their result, either positive, negative, or VOID with the College to help with contact tracing using the link HERE.

QR codes on the test kits boxes are now available and will simplify and speed up the reporting process. Please note the College reporting form has also been simplified to capture only the minimum essential information that the Government have asked us to collate. Recording all test results helps scientists stay ahead of the virus by spotting new outbreaks quickly and advising how to respond.

Remember – ‘Hands. Face. Space. Fresh Air’

Reporting positive COVID results

Please also remember to complete the ‘Out of hours Notification of a POSITIVE COVID-19 test result’ form to alert us if you, a member of your household or other close contact identified through Track & Trace, receive a positive test result whilst the College is closed. This online form is available here or via our website www.southdevon.ac.uk.   

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,  

Laurence Frewin 
Principal and CEO  
South Devon College