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The unexpected journey of an Adventure Sports student

Former student, Matt Godfrey, studied a foundation degree in outdoor coaching and education. But his journey has landed him in a place you wouldn’t initially think is related to adventure sports in general. As you can see from the heroic looking imagery, he is part of the Royal Navy and his role is helicopter engineer and winch-man. Carry on reading to find out a bit more about Matt and his time both at South Devon College and the Royal Navy.

What made you choose the course and South Devon College?

Other than being local, the course and the college was able to provide me with everything I expected.

When I was looking at places to study, I was extremely impressed with the instructors that the college had in this field. They had an exceptional track record so I immediately decided that I wanted to be educated and influenced by them.

What did you like about the course and studying at South Devon College?

Everyone at the college was extremely friendly and couldn’t do more to help us achieve our end goal. I felt like the college, staff, and resources were massively invested in me as a student.

The college and course also capitalises on the fact that they are based only a few miles from the sea, the moors and rivers, giving the college a unique advantage.

What are your plans or ambitions after your course/South Devon College and in the future?

I had decided that degree level education was as far as I wanted to go in my educational career and that it was time to work on my full time aspiration and career of being in the Royal Navy.

I’m currently a helicopter engineer and winch-man in the Royal Navy but I get to do so much more thanks to the education I received.

Do you have a piece of advice for current students looking to get into your industry?

Achieving the career I wanted for me was an incredible moment and getting there along the way was special too.

I would say use the opportunities around you as much as you can, gain as many qualifications along the way to make yourself as employable as you can be.

Don’t let anything distract you from your end goal. No matter what you are doing, put in 100% and enjoy it.

It’s important to take away from this that a degree doesn’t limit you one path to a career. A degree opens up thousands of opportunities and can change your life. Matt has proved that, digging deeper than just the name of a course to study an adventure sports degree that provided an array of skills and made himself more employable for the job he now has, working at the place he has always dreamed of.

That could be you too. So, why not come along and see what South Devon College has to offer? The next Open Event is on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling 08000 380 123.