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One Revision Technique YOU MUST KNOW for your Exams

One Revision Technique YOU MUST KNOW for your Exams

If you’ve clicked on this, you are probably well aware of that dreaded time that’s approaching. Yes, it is exam season. But we are here to help with a handy revision technique that should make it easier for you to understand any topic you’re studying. This technique is known as ‘The Feynman Technique’.

The technique was established by an American Physicist called Richard Feynman. He put together this technique that in just 4 steps should result in you understanding anything like a pro. This works for any level of study, whether it’s GCSE, A Level, BTEC or Degree.

The 4 steps are:

  • Step 1 – Pick and study a concept

This should be the easiest part of the whole process!

  • Step 2 – Imagine explaining it to someone younger than yourself

When learning anything, you will have to break it down into its simplest form before you can develop a more advanced understanding of it. So explaining to someone else who has had no experience in it will need the same done for them. Talk to them at their level of understanding and remember to use simple language.


  • Step 3 – Identify the gaps in your understanding

If you aren’t able to explain something to someone, you should be able to find these gaps. The theory goes, if you can’t explain something to a child in simple terms, you don’t understand it well enough.¬†Use various resources that you need or ask your teacher to fill in the gaps of your knowledge.


  • Step 4 – Study where the gaps are

After reflecting on the information you may need to strengthen your understanding, go back to Step 2 and repeat the process until you understand the concept fully.

This then brings you onto the secret Step 5 which is…

Smash your exams!


Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to do well in your upcoming exams.

Thank you Alex Howarth, Head of Tutorial and Learner Progress at South Devon College, for your support with this article.